Boost Your Home Sale - Leverage Emotional Appeal for Maximum Profit

Boost Your Home Sale - Leverage Emotional Appeal for Maximum Profit

We buy a new house to call home with emotions, not logic. So, to capture potential buyers' attention when trying to sell your property, embrace the emotion. This article will show you how effective emotional marketing can be in selling your property.

Home is a special place. A place for family, comfort and safety. It is where we spend most of our time, and as soon as that door closes behind us, we relax and feel safe.


It is not logical or financial. A house won't feel like home because it was a bargain or a good deal. Home, then, is an emotion, a feeling.


Your property is unique, and a buyer will fall in love with it. It's vital that you sell your home with emotion. While buyers will do some simple calculations, they won't necessarily buy the property that suits their pocket most. Selling the emotion of your home in your marketing, pulling on the heartstrings of the buyers, is the way to sell your home for the highest price.


The key is to demonstrate in your marketing not what your property has in the sense of features but how you, or your buyer, might be able to live in the home. As the saying goes, facts tell, and stories sell. So, let your property's story inspire potential buyers.


Showing how the sun streams in through a particular window each morning, or the sound of birdsong where you can enjoy a peaceful coffee in the garden before the rest of the world has risen, is a far more evocative description than simply saying there is a window in the room and a seating area in the garden.


It may seem trite and even a little over the top, but it doesn't have to be an overly poetic description to demonstrate the lifestyle of living in your home. There are many elements of marketing a property, and you can easily add an emotional angle here and there to set your marketing apart from other properties.


Take photography, for example. Rubbish images from an unflattering or awkward angle or with terrible lighting will not help anyone feel optimistic about the property. Sure, they will show the property to the buyers, but who will get excited about coming to view a small dingy house? Instead, ensure that the camera angle is full with a clear view of the room and that the lighting is correct so that the room is bright and inviting. It is possible to add some emotion here with staged images - a coffee pot with lovely mugs on a tray outside, showing in just one image how nice it is to enjoy the early morning sitting on the patio. As they say, a picture can say a thousand words.

Ultimately, there are hundreds of properties, at least, on the market in any town. Your estate agent's job is to find your perfect buyer, and that buyer is looking for their perfect property. Realistically, a buyer will probably only view 10 properties before choosing one to purchase, so, help them to find you by showcasing just how fantastic your home is, even if it is no longer fit for you and your family.


To discover more about how we market homes in the most innovative and modern ways to promote your home to the perfect buyer, get in touch with our magnificent team of property experts today.

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